Post-Rehabilitation training is crucial to maintaining and advancing the improvements achieved through therapy, such as mobility, stability and strength. It is not uncommon for an individual to regress in these areas shortly after discharge from therapy; however a Post-Rehab program can be beneficial in keeping that individual on track to achieving their functional goals.

Unfortunately, in today’s healthcare climate, health insurance companies may not fully understand the time and effort required to recover 100% from an injury or condition. Clients have often encountered situations in which their insurance will not cover the later phases of rehab, leaving them vulnerable to unfavorable outcomes. Armonk Physical Therapy & Sports Training understands that shortfall and will always help a client bridge the gap from rehab to their desired goals. In addition, we take pride in our comprehensive return to sport testing, allowing us to objectively determine a client is prepared to return to their respective sport or activity.

Our personal trainers will apply the blueprint set by your Therapist into your training program, keeping in mind the precautions based on your condition, and guiding you along the path to reach your goals. All personal trainers at our facility are credentialed through reputable training associations. Furthermore, our trainers are mentored by our head Therapists to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the human anatomy and how it relates to exercise science throughout a rehabilitation process.